6:20 AM

croatia university

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

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Types of higher education institutions:

Sveučilište (University)

Veleučilište (Polytechnic)

Visoka škola (School of Professional Higher Education)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Svjedodžba o maturi

Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu

Diploma organizacije medjunarodne mature

Svjedodžba preddiplomskog stručnog studija

Diploma specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija

Svjedodžba preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija

Diploma diplomaskog studija

Diploma poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija

Doktor znanosti/ Doktor umjetnosti


Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 15

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Osnovna škola

Length of program in years: 8

Age level from: 6 to: 14


Type of school providing this education: Gimnazija

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o maturi

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Gimnazija

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma organizacije medjunarodne mature (International Baccalaureate)

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Umjetnička škola (Art School)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu


Type of school providing this education: Strukovna škola (Vocational School)

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu and a vocational qualification.

School education:

The eight years of primary education are divided into two stages: classes one to four and five to eight. Secondary education comprises grammar schools, vocational schools and art schools. Grammar schools are divided into general, mathematics and IT, linguistic, classical and scientific schools. Vocational schools offer courses lasting for one, two, three or four years, including a period of practical instruction. Art schools include music, dance, visual art and design. Students must pass an entrance examination to enter university in professional fields. When the State Secondary School Leaving Examination becomes operational - in 2008/9 for grammar schools, and 2009/10 for four-year vocational schools - it is expected to replace the entrance examination in most higher education institutions.

Higher education:

The Croatian higher education system comprises six universities, with some eighty faculties, art academies,and schools of professional higher education; five polytechnics; six independent schools of professional higher education and nine private accredited schools of professional higher education. The mission of universities is scientific, artistic and developmental research, especially the implementation of scientific research programmes that are of strategic interest to Croatia; artistic endeavour and professional work, as well as the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education based on them. The mission of polytechnics and schools of professional higher education is professional higher education and artistic and professional activities in accordance with the needs of their local community. Schools of professional higher education are mostly teacher academies or institutions established in certain fields where the need or resources to establish a full polytechnic were lacking. The higher education system in the Republic of Croatia is currently undergoing a comprehensive reform in order to be part of the European Higher Education Area by 2010 and implement the Bologna Declaration, signed by Croatia in 2001. The new Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (2003, amended 2004) establishes a mixed system supporting on the one hand the specialist education at polytechnics, schools of professional higher education and universities, and on the other the academic education conducted solely at universities. The Act treats private and public higher education institutions equally. It also stipulates that a binary system will be established by 2010 so that professional studies will be offered only at Polytechnics and Schools of professional higher education and academic studies at universities. From January 2007, all universities will become fully integrated universities and their faculties will lose the status of legal entities. Under the new Act, academic and professional education are organised according to the system of transferable credits (ECTS).

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (amended 2004) Year: 2003

Concerns: All further and higher education institutions.

Academic year:

Classes from: Oct to: Jun

Long vacation from: 15 Jun to: 30 Sep

Languages of instruction: Croatian

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level: Certificate:

Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education and Universties offer two, three and four years' professional undergraduate studies (leading to a Certificate after three years and 180 ECTS credits) and train highly professional, artistic and, in some cases, scientific workers. Upon completion of a professional degree course, the students are awarded a professional baccalaureate specifying the title of the profession. The graduates are allowed to continue their studies at a second stage or at the university. Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education also offer graduate study courses in one or two years leading to a diploma after accumulating 300 ECTS credits. The graduates are allowed to continue their studies at the university.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Undergraduate Studies:

Universities offer three to four-year courses at undergraduate level leading to a degree after accumulating 180 ECTS credits which qualifies students for specialized, artistic or scientific work. They can continue their studies at university or in non-university institutions or enter the labour market.

University level second stage: Graduate Studies:

Universities offer one to two-year courses at graduate level leading to a degree after accumulating 300 ECTS credit points. The title of Doctor in Medicine is awarded after six years and 360 credit points. Graduates can continue their studies at university or in non-university institutions or enter the labour market.

University level third stage: Postgraduate Studies:

The Specialist Degree is awarded after one to two years of postgraduate studies, the Doctor of Sciences and the Doctor of Arts after three years.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers must follow a teacher training programme for four years and a one-year internship. They obtain the title of Diplomirani učitelji.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers follow a 5-year course and obtain the title of Profesor.

Training of higher education teachers

Qualified candidates are appointed to the positions of asistent (assistant), viši asistent (senior assistant), predavač (lecturer), viši predavač (senior lecturer), docent (assistant professor), izvanredni profesor (associate professor), and redovni profesor (full professor). Lektor (lecturer) and viši lektor (senior lecturer) are language specialists in institutions offering foreign language and literature courses. A retired full professor is eligible for the title of Profesor Emeritus. Candidates for the title of university professor are required to satisfy the requirements for an appointment to the relevant lecturing/academic grade as stipulated by the law.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport)

Head: Dragan Primorac, Minister

Trg hrvatskih velikana 6
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4569000/ 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4617962/ 4594290

EMail: ured@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Nacionalno vijeće za visoku naobrazbu (National Council for Higher Education)

Head: Antonije Dulèiæ, President

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594381

Fax: +385(1) 4594380

EMail: ured@azvo.hr

Role of governing body: Expert and advisory body responsible for the development and quality of the overall higher education system in the Republic of Croatia.

Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (Agency for Science and Higher Education)

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594381

Fax: +385(1) 4594380

EMail: ured@azvo.hr

Role of governing body: Specialized institution that carries out professional tasks related to the assessment of scientific activity in higher education, and the recognition of diplomas and qualifications through the ENIC/NARIC.

Rektorski zbor (Rectors' Conference)

Head: Damir Magaš, President

Trg maršala Tita 14
HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4564012

Fax: +385(1) 4830602

EMail: rc@unizg.hr

WWW: http://www.unizg.hr/rz/

Role of governing body: Coordinates the activities and participates in the development of higher education.

Vijeće Veleučilišta i Visokih škola (Council of Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education)

Head: Mladen Havelka, President

Zdravstveno veleučilište, Mlinarska cesta 38
HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4669750

Fax: +385(1) 4668080

EMail: dekan@vmskola.hr

Role of governing body: Coordinates the activities of Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education and participates in the development of higher education.


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Svjedodžba o maturi

For entry to: All programmes.

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Svjedodžba o maturi

For entry to: All programmes

Entrance exams required: Entrance examinations are administered by higher education institutions. However, institutions offering courses of study in technical sciences give direct access to high school students with excellent grades in order to attract more students.

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Yes

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: A student with citizenship other than Croatian.

Quotas: Yes. Higher education institutions propose quotas to the university senates.

Admission requirements: Foreign students need a certified copy of their school-leaving certificate and any required secondary education documents submitted in their English translation. The certificate must be validated by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.

Entry regulations: A student visa is required

Health requirements: Health insurance is required.

Language requirements: Foreign students who do not speak Croatian or do not have a certificate of Croatian language proficiency are requested to complete a 2-semester course in the Croatian language and sit for a final examination.

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: All programmes

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): Recognition of foreign credentials testifying to completion of primary or secondary education is carried out by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. The recognition of higher education qualifications is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education at its ENIC/NARIC office.

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Department for Recognition of Foreign Primary and Secondary School Certificates, Ministry of Education and Sports

Trg hrvatskih velikana 6
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4569000

Fax: +385(1) 4617962

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

ENIC/NARIC Office, Agency for Science and Higher Education

Head: Emita Blagdan

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594565

Fax: +385(1) 4594579

EMail: enic@azvo.hr

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession

Services provided & students dealt with: It disseminates information on Croatian and foreign higher education systems relevant for the recognition procedure, promotes fair and consistent practice in credential assessment, and is a referral service to support the recognition of Croatian and international qualifications. It has no authority to recognize foreign programmes and degrees.

Other information sources on recognition of foreign studies: Higher education institutions.

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the States Bordering the Mediterranean

Year of signature: 1976

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region

Year of signature: 1979

Name of agreement: Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Year of signature: 2001

Bilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign credentials

Name of agreement: Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on Recognition of Diplomas and Higher Education Degrees obtained in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Recognition of Equivalence of Education Documents Issued in the Republic of Croatia and the Slovak Republic

Year of signature: 1999


Main student services at national level

Department for Student Standard, Directorate for Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Strossmayerov trg 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4594469

EMail: kenan.bravo@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

National student associations and unions

Croatian Student Union

Trg zrtava fasizma 13
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4551026

Fax: +385(1) 4551027

EMail: csu-ssh@net.hr

WWW: http://www.net.hr

Health/social provisions

Social security for home students: Yes

Cost/fee (per year): 0 (Kuna)

Social security for foreign students: Yes

Cost/fee (per year): 3600 (Kuna)

Foreign student social security provisions: Based on a student visa, foreign students may obtain health insurance under a local carrier.

Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

By rail: Yes

By air: Yes

Available to foreign students: Yes

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Kuna)

Maximum: 9240 (Kuna)

Foreign students tuition fees: Maximum: 27000 (Kuna)

Bodies providing information on student financial aid:

Department of Student Standard, Directorate for Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Strossmayerov trg 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4594469

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Deals with: Grants

Category of students: Undergraduate and graduate foreign students

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006

Publisher: UNESCO

Year of publication: 2005


Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:

Directorate for International Cooperation, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Head: Radovan Fuchs, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation

Strossmeyerov trag 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594451

Fax: +385(1) 4819331

EMail: ured@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: CEEPUS

Name of exchange programme: Erasmus Mundus

Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: A 1-5 grading system is used. Grades (ocjena) are: 5: odličan (excellent); 4: vrlo dobar (very good); 3: dobar (good); 2: satisfactory (dovoljan); 1: nedovoljan (insatisfactory).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2

Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: A 1-5 grading scale, with 5: odličan (excellent); 4: vrlo dobar (very good); 3: dobar (good); 2: dovoljan (satisfactory); 1: nedovoljan (insatisfactory).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2

Lowest on scale: 1


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