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Belgium (French Community) University
Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition
For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com
Types of higher education institutions:
Université (University)
Faculté universitaire
Faculté polytechnique
Haute Ecole
Institut supérieur d'Architecture (Higher Institute of Architecture)
Ecole supérieure des Arts (Higher Art School)
School leaving and higher education credentials:
Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Diplôme d' Etudes supérieures spécialisées
Diplôme d'Etudes spécialisées
Grade de Spécialisation
Diplôme d'Etudes approfondies
Agrégation de l'Enseignement secondaire supérieur
Docteur en Médecine
Docteur en Médecine vétérinaire
Ingénieur civil
Ingénieur commercial
Ingénieur de gestion
Ingénieur industriel
Pre-higher education:
Duration of compulsory education:
Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 18
Structure of school system:
Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Primaire
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 6 to: 12
Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB)
Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Secondaire - Premier Degré
Length of program in years: 2
Age level from: 12 to: 14
Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB) at the end of the 1st or 2nd year if not obtained at the end of the primary cycle
Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Secondaire - 2e Degré
Length of program in years: 2
Age level from: 14 to: 16
Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire du Deuxième Degré
Type of school providing this education: Enseignement secondaire 3ème degré
Length of program in years: 2
Age level from: 16 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Enseignement secondaire supérieur général, technique ou artistique (CESS); Certificat de Qualification
Type of school providing this education: Enseignement secondaire 3ème degré
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 16 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'études de l'enseignement secondaire professionnel; Certificat de Qualification
Type of school providing this education: Préparation au Supérieur
Length of program in years: 1
Age level from: 18 to: 19
School education:
Primary education lasts for six years leading to the Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB). At present, secondary education is divided into three levels of two years each. Secondary schools provide general education, technical education, professional education and artistic education.
Higher education:
Higher education is established on a binary scheme: university education and non-university education. University education offers long-cycle education only. The non-university higher education institutions are: Hautes Ecoles; Instituts supérieurs d'architecture; and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. The Hautes Ecoles and Ecoles supérieures des Arts can offer both long and short cycle studies. The Instituts supérieurs d'Architecture offer long cycle studies only. The short cycle of non-university education offers technical training leading to a professional qualification in a specific field. The long cycle of both non-university and university educations provides general, theoritical and scientific studies at the undergraduate level that lead to graduate specialized studies at the end of which students have to present and defend a personal work (short thesis for example).
Main laws/decrees governing higher education:
Decree: Décret du 17 mai 1999 relatif à l'enseignement supérieur artistique Year: 1999
Concerns: Arts studies
Decree: Décret du 31 mars 2004 définissant l'enseignement supérieur, favorisant son intégration à l'espace européen et refinançant les universités Year: 2004
Concerns: Higher education
Decree: Décret du 5 août 1995 fixant l'organisation générale de l'enseignement supérieur en Hautes Ecoles Year: 1995
Concerns: Hautes écoles
Decree: Décret du 5 septembre 1994 relatif au régime des études universitaires et des grades académiques Year: 1994
Concerns: Universities and degrees
Decree: Loi du 7 juillet 1970 relative à la structure générale de l'enseignement supérieur Year: 1970
Concerns: Higher education system
Academic year:
Classes from: Sep to: Jul
Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 30 Aug
Languages of instruction: French
Stages of studies:
Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
Hautes Ecoles: Higher education at Hautes Ecoles comprises eight fields: Agronomy; Arts; Economics; Paramedical fields; Pedagogy; Social studies; Technology; and Translation and Interpretation. It offers both short and long cycle studies. The long cycle is at university level. The short cycle is organized in one professional cycle and confers the title of Bachelier. It includes from 180 to 240 ECTS credits to be obtained in 3 to 4 years' study (midwifery). The courses are both practical and theoritical. At the end of this single cycle, specialized studies are offered in some fields and lead to the Grade de Spécialisation after one year's study. Ecoles supérieures des Arts: Higher education in Ecoles supérieures des Arts comprises four fields: Plastic Arts; Music; Theatre; and Performing Arts and Communication and Broadcasting techniques. It offers short and long cycle studies. The long cycle is at university level. The short cycle is organized in one professional cycle (3 years) and confers the title of Bachelier.
University level studies:
University level first stage: Bachelier:
The first stage of university level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Instituts supérieurs d'architecture, and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. It leads to the title of Bachelier after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits.
University level second stage: Master; médecin; médecin vétérinaire:
The second stage of university-level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Instituts supérieurs d'architecture, and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. It leads to the title of Master after one or two years' study and 60 or 120 ECTS credits; of Médecin after four years' study and 240 ECTS credits; and of Médecin vétérinaire after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits..
University level third stage: DES, DEA, Doctorat:
The third stage of university-level studies is offered at universities. At present, it comprises: doctoral training in one year and 60 ECTS credits leading to the research training certificate; work related to the preparation of a doctoral thesis and corresponding to 180 ECTS credits that lead to the academic title of Doctor after the defence of the thesis; training leading to the DEA and the DES (both these two last diplomas will be abandoned in conformity with the Bologna reform).
Teacher education:
Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers
Pre-primary, primary and lower-secondary education teachers are trained in the pedagogical department of the Hautes Ecoles which offer course programmes leading respectively to the Bachelier-Instituteur(trice) préscolaire, Bachelier-Instituteur(trice) primaire, Bachelier-Agrégé(e) de l'enseignement secondaire inférieur.
Training of secondary school teachers
For lower-secondary teachers, see under the previous section. Upper-secondary education teachers receive training at universities, leading to the degree of Licence in a particular discipline, awarded after four or five years of study. The teaching qualification of Agrégé de l'Enseignement secondaire supérieur requires one year of teacher training, which may take place concurrently with study for a Licence.
Training of higher education teachers
There is no formal training of higher education teachers. They may hold the Licence, the Master or the Doctorate.
Non-traditional studies:
Lifelong higher education
There are a number of open faculties within the universities, centres of lifelong education or other structures that offer working adults different study programmes that only rarely lead to a basic diploma. They usually lead to complementary diplomas, third cycle diplomas or non-recognized certificates and diplomas.
Administration & co-ordination:
Responsible authorities:
Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique, Ministère de la Communauté française
Head: Chantal Kaufmann, Director-general (acting)
Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 6908703
Fax: +32(2) 6908760
WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup
Role of governing body: Governing and decision-making role for higher education
Conseil des Recteurs
Head: Bernard Coulie, President
Rue d'Egmont, 5
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 5049300
Fax: +32(2) 5140006
EMail: kokkelkoren@cref.be
WWW: http://www.cref.be
Conseil interuniversitaire de la Communauté française
Head: Pierre de Maret, President
Administrative officer: Marc Vandeur, Permanent Secretary
Rue d'Egmont, 5
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 5049291
Fax: +32(2) 5022768
EMail: secretariat@ciuf.be
WWW: http://www.ciuf.be
Conseil général des Hautes Ecoles
Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 6908845
Fax: +32(2) 6908846
Role of governing body: consultation on issues relating to the Hautes Ecoles
Admission to non university higher education studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
For entry to: Hautes Ecoles and Instituts supérieurs d'architecture
Entrance exams required:
Compulsory for entry to Ecoles supérieures des Arts
Other admission requirements:
Holders of a CESS obtained before 1994 must also hold the Diplôme d'Aptitude à Accéder à l'Enseignement supérieur (DAES) if they wish to pursue studies in non-university level institutions (long cycle).
Admission to university-level studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur
For entry to: All institutions.
Numerus clausus/restrictions: Restriction for access to certain second cycle studies in the health sector. Special entrance examination for access to civil engineering studies.
Foreign students admission
Definition of foreign student: A foreign student is a person enrolled at a higher education institution in Belgium (French-speaking Community) who is not a permanent resident.
Quotas: Certain students from countries that are not members of the European Union cannot be financed and may see their admission refused by the institutions.
Admission requirements: Students must obtain the equivalence of their secondary school leaving certificate with either the Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or, as the case may be, the Diplôme belge d'aptitude permettant d'accéder à l'enseignement supérieur (DAES).
Entry regulations: Students must register with the communal administration of their town of residence, present proof of their enrolment, as well as financial guarantees.
Language requirements: There are language examinations at the institutional level. Courses are organized by the universities during the summer.
Application procedures:
Apply to individual institution for entry to: All higher education institutions.
Recognition of studies & qualifications:
Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):
NARIC, Ministère de la Communauté française
Head: Chantal Kaufmann
Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 6908703
Fax: +32(2) 6908760
EMail: equi.sup@cfwb.be
WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup
Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies
Name of agreement: Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the European Region
Year of signature: 2005
References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies
Title: Les Universités francophones de Belgique
Author: Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Publisher: CIUF
Year of publication: 2003
National student associations and unions
Fédération des Etudiant(e)s Francophones
Chaussée D'Haecht 25
B-1210 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 2230154
Fax: +32(2) 2172793
EMail: Fef@swing.be
WWW: http://www.fef.be
Union des étudiants de la Communauté française
Chaussée de Charleroi, 51b bte3
1060 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 5418500
Fax: +32(2) 5418509
EMail: info@unecof.be
WWW: http://www.unecof.be
Health/social provisions
Social security for home students: Yes
Social security for foreign students: Yes
Special student travel fares:
By road: Yes
By rail: Yes
Student expenses and financial aid
Student costs:
Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 32 (Euro)
Maximum: 759 (Euro)
Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 32 (Euro)
Publications on student services and financial aid:
Title: Politique d'accueil des étudiants étrangers au sein des institutions universitaires de la C.F.
Publisher: Conseil interuniversitaire de la Communauté française (CIUF)
Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006
Author: UNESCO
Year of publication: 2005
Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:
Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique, Ministère de la Communauté française
Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(2) 6908703
Fax: +32(2) 6908760
WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup
Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes
Name of exchange programme: LEONARDO
Name of exchange programme: LINGUA
Name of exchange programme: PETRA
Name of exchange programme: SOCRATES/ERASMUS MUNDUS
Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS
Usual grading system in secondary school
Full Description: Marking systems vary from one region to another but most often are on a scale of 1 to 10 (maximum).
Highest on scale: 10
Pass/fail level: 5/4
Lowest on scale: 1
Main grading system used by higher education institutions
Full Description: A numerical grading system is used for higher education: 90% avec la plus grande distinction; 80% avec grande distinction; 70% avec distinction; 60% avec satisfaction.
Highest on scale: 90%
Pass/fail level: 60%/50%
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