6:20 AM

croatia university

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com


Types of higher education institutions:

Sveučilište (University)

Veleučilište (Polytechnic)

Visoka škola (School of Professional Higher Education)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Svjedodžba o maturi

Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu

Diploma organizacije medjunarodne mature

Svjedodžba preddiplomskog stručnog studija

Diploma specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija

Svjedodžba preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija

Diploma diplomaskog studija

Diploma poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija

Doktor znanosti/ Doktor umjetnosti


Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 15

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Osnovna škola

Length of program in years: 8

Age level from: 6 to: 14


Type of school providing this education: Gimnazija

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o maturi

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Gimnazija

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma organizacije medjunarodne mature (International Baccalaureate)

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Umjetnička škola (Art School)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu


Type of school providing this education: Strukovna škola (Vocational School)

Age level from: 14 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu and a vocational qualification.

School education:

The eight years of primary education are divided into two stages: classes one to four and five to eight. Secondary education comprises grammar schools, vocational schools and art schools. Grammar schools are divided into general, mathematics and IT, linguistic, classical and scientific schools. Vocational schools offer courses lasting for one, two, three or four years, including a period of practical instruction. Art schools include music, dance, visual art and design. Students must pass an entrance examination to enter university in professional fields. When the State Secondary School Leaving Examination becomes operational - in 2008/9 for grammar schools, and 2009/10 for four-year vocational schools - it is expected to replace the entrance examination in most higher education institutions.

Higher education:

The Croatian higher education system comprises six universities, with some eighty faculties, art academies,and schools of professional higher education; five polytechnics; six independent schools of professional higher education and nine private accredited schools of professional higher education. The mission of universities is scientific, artistic and developmental research, especially the implementation of scientific research programmes that are of strategic interest to Croatia; artistic endeavour and professional work, as well as the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education based on them. The mission of polytechnics and schools of professional higher education is professional higher education and artistic and professional activities in accordance with the needs of their local community. Schools of professional higher education are mostly teacher academies or institutions established in certain fields where the need or resources to establish a full polytechnic were lacking. The higher education system in the Republic of Croatia is currently undergoing a comprehensive reform in order to be part of the European Higher Education Area by 2010 and implement the Bologna Declaration, signed by Croatia in 2001. The new Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (2003, amended 2004) establishes a mixed system supporting on the one hand the specialist education at polytechnics, schools of professional higher education and universities, and on the other the academic education conducted solely at universities. The Act treats private and public higher education institutions equally. It also stipulates that a binary system will be established by 2010 so that professional studies will be offered only at Polytechnics and Schools of professional higher education and academic studies at universities. From January 2007, all universities will become fully integrated universities and their faculties will lose the status of legal entities. Under the new Act, academic and professional education are organised according to the system of transferable credits (ECTS).

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (amended 2004) Year: 2003

Concerns: All further and higher education institutions.

Academic year:

Classes from: Oct to: Jun

Long vacation from: 15 Jun to: 30 Sep

Languages of instruction: Croatian

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level: Certificate:

Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education and Universties offer two, three and four years' professional undergraduate studies (leading to a Certificate after three years and 180 ECTS credits) and train highly professional, artistic and, in some cases, scientific workers. Upon completion of a professional degree course, the students are awarded a professional baccalaureate specifying the title of the profession. The graduates are allowed to continue their studies at a second stage or at the university. Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education also offer graduate study courses in one or two years leading to a diploma after accumulating 300 ECTS credits. The graduates are allowed to continue their studies at the university.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Undergraduate Studies:

Universities offer three to four-year courses at undergraduate level leading to a degree after accumulating 180 ECTS credits which qualifies students for specialized, artistic or scientific work. They can continue their studies at university or in non-university institutions or enter the labour market.

University level second stage: Graduate Studies:

Universities offer one to two-year courses at graduate level leading to a degree after accumulating 300 ECTS credit points. The title of Doctor in Medicine is awarded after six years and 360 credit points. Graduates can continue their studies at university or in non-university institutions or enter the labour market.

University level third stage: Postgraduate Studies:

The Specialist Degree is awarded after one to two years of postgraduate studies, the Doctor of Sciences and the Doctor of Arts after three years.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers must follow a teacher training programme for four years and a one-year internship. They obtain the title of Diplomirani učitelji.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers follow a 5-year course and obtain the title of Profesor.

Training of higher education teachers

Qualified candidates are appointed to the positions of asistent (assistant), viši asistent (senior assistant), predavač (lecturer), viši predavač (senior lecturer), docent (assistant professor), izvanredni profesor (associate professor), and redovni profesor (full professor). Lektor (lecturer) and viši lektor (senior lecturer) are language specialists in institutions offering foreign language and literature courses. A retired full professor is eligible for the title of Profesor Emeritus. Candidates for the title of university professor are required to satisfy the requirements for an appointment to the relevant lecturing/academic grade as stipulated by the law.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport)

Head: Dragan Primorac, Minister

Trg hrvatskih velikana 6
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4569000/ 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4617962/ 4594290

EMail: ured@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Nacionalno vijeće za visoku naobrazbu (National Council for Higher Education)

Head: Antonije Dulèiæ, President

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594381

Fax: +385(1) 4594380

EMail: ured@azvo.hr

Role of governing body: Expert and advisory body responsible for the development and quality of the overall higher education system in the Republic of Croatia.

Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (Agency for Science and Higher Education)

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594381

Fax: +385(1) 4594380

EMail: ured@azvo.hr

Role of governing body: Specialized institution that carries out professional tasks related to the assessment of scientific activity in higher education, and the recognition of diplomas and qualifications through the ENIC/NARIC.

Rektorski zbor (Rectors' Conference)

Head: Damir Magaš, President

Trg maršala Tita 14
HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4564012

Fax: +385(1) 4830602

EMail: rc@unizg.hr

WWW: http://www.unizg.hr/rz/

Role of governing body: Coordinates the activities and participates in the development of higher education.

Vijeće Veleučilišta i Visokih škola (Council of Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education)

Head: Mladen Havelka, President

Zdravstveno veleučilište, Mlinarska cesta 38
HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4669750

Fax: +385(1) 4668080

EMail: dekan@vmskola.hr

Role of governing body: Coordinates the activities of Polytechnics and Schools of Professional Higher Education and participates in the development of higher education.


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Svjedodžba o maturi

For entry to: All programmes.

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Svjedodžba o maturi

For entry to: All programmes

Entrance exams required: Entrance examinations are administered by higher education institutions. However, institutions offering courses of study in technical sciences give direct access to high school students with excellent grades in order to attract more students.

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Yes

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: A student with citizenship other than Croatian.

Quotas: Yes. Higher education institutions propose quotas to the university senates.

Admission requirements: Foreign students need a certified copy of their school-leaving certificate and any required secondary education documents submitted in their English translation. The certificate must be validated by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.

Entry regulations: A student visa is required

Health requirements: Health insurance is required.

Language requirements: Foreign students who do not speak Croatian or do not have a certificate of Croatian language proficiency are requested to complete a 2-semester course in the Croatian language and sit for a final examination.

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: All programmes

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): Recognition of foreign credentials testifying to completion of primary or secondary education is carried out by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. The recognition of higher education qualifications is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education at its ENIC/NARIC office.

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Department for Recognition of Foreign Primary and Secondary School Certificates, Ministry of Education and Sports

Trg hrvatskih velikana 6
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4569000

Fax: +385(1) 4617962

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

ENIC/NARIC Office, Agency for Science and Higher Education

Head: Emita Blagdan

Savska 41/VIII
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594565

Fax: +385(1) 4594579

EMail: enic@azvo.hr

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession

Services provided & students dealt with: It disseminates information on Croatian and foreign higher education systems relevant for the recognition procedure, promotes fair and consistent practice in credential assessment, and is a referral service to support the recognition of Croatian and international qualifications. It has no authority to recognize foreign programmes and degrees.

Other information sources on recognition of foreign studies: Higher education institutions.

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the States Bordering the Mediterranean

Year of signature: 1976

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region

Year of signature: 1979

Name of agreement: Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Year of signature: 2001

Bilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign credentials

Name of agreement: Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on Recognition of Diplomas and Higher Education Degrees obtained in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Recognition of Equivalence of Education Documents Issued in the Republic of Croatia and the Slovak Republic

Year of signature: 1999


Main student services at national level

Department for Student Standard, Directorate for Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Strossmayerov trg 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4594469

EMail: kenan.bravo@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

National student associations and unions

Croatian Student Union

Trg zrtava fasizma 13
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4551026

Fax: +385(1) 4551027

EMail: csu-ssh@net.hr

WWW: http://www.net.hr

Health/social provisions

Social security for home students: Yes

Cost/fee (per year): 0 (Kuna)

Social security for foreign students: Yes

Cost/fee (per year): 3600 (Kuna)

Foreign student social security provisions: Based on a student visa, foreign students may obtain health insurance under a local carrier.

Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

By rail: Yes

By air: Yes

Available to foreign students: Yes

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Kuna)

Maximum: 9240 (Kuna)

Foreign students tuition fees: Maximum: 27000 (Kuna)

Bodies providing information on student financial aid:

Department of Student Standard, Directorate for Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Strossmayerov trg 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594444

Fax: +385(1) 4594469

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Deals with: Grants

Category of students: Undergraduate and graduate foreign students

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006

Publisher: UNESCO

Year of publication: 2005


Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:

Directorate for International Cooperation, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Head: Radovan Fuchs, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation

Strossmeyerov trag 4
10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385(1) 4594451

Fax: +385(1) 4819331

EMail: ured@mzos.hr

WWW: http://www.mzos.hr

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: CEEPUS

Name of exchange programme: Erasmus Mundus

Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: A 1-5 grading system is used. Grades (ocjena) are: 5: odličan (excellent); 4: vrlo dobar (very good); 3: dobar (good); 2: satisfactory (dovoljan); 1: nedovoljan (insatisfactory).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2

Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: A 1-5 grading scale, with 5: odličan (excellent); 4: vrlo dobar (very good); 3: dobar (good); 2: dovoljan (satisfactory); 1: nedovoljan (insatisfactory).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2

Lowest on scale: 1
6:17 AM

Bulgaria University

Structure of Educational System
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition of Foreign Credentials
Student Life
International Cooperation and Exchanges

Types of higher education institutions:

Universitet (University)

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com

Spetzializirano Visshe Uchilishte (Specialized Higher School)

Kolej (College)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie






Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 7

Age of exit: 19

Structure of school system:

Basic First Stage

Type of school providing this education: Natchalno utchilischte (form I to IV)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 7 to: 10

Certificate/diploma awarded: Grade IV Leaving Certificate

Basic Second Stage

Type of school providing this education: Progimnazialno utchilichte (form V to VIII)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 10 to: 14

Certificate/diploma awarded: Basic Education Completion Certificate


Type of school providing this education: Gimnazii (form IX to XII)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 14 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)


Type of school providing this education: Profilirani Gimnazii (form IX to XII)

Length of program in years: 5

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Vocational Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Professionalni gimnazii I/ili technikumil

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) and Certificate of Professional Qualification.

Vocational Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Professionalni utchilichta

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) and Certificate of Professional Qualification

School education:

Basic education comprises two stages: basic education first stage from form I to form IV and basic education second stage from form V to form VII. School children who have successfully completed the first stage of basic education are awarded a Form IV Leaving Certificate. Completion of basic education is attested by a final certificate for the completion of basic education at the end of form VII.Secondary education lasts for four or five years after completion of the basic education course and is provided in three types of schools: comprehensive (general secondary) schools, profile-oriented schools, vocational (technical and vocational-technical) schools. Studies lead to the Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie and to a certificate of professional qualification awarded by professional schools.

Higher education:

Higher education is provided by universities and specialized higher schools. Some universities are private. Higher education is regulated by the Law on Higher Education 1995 (latest amendements 2004) and the Law on Scientific Degrees and Titles (latest amendments 2000).

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Higher Education Act and subsequent amendments Year: 1995

Concerns: Higher education institutions

Decree: Law for Public Education (latest amendments 2004) Year: 1998

Decree: Law on Scientific Degrees and Scientific Titles (latest amendments 2000) Year: 1972

Decree: Law on the Level of Schooling, the General Education Minimum and the Syllabus Year: 1999

Decree: Vocational Education and Training Act Year: 1999

Academic year:

Classes from: Sep to: Jun

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 15 Sep

Languages of instruction: Bulgarian

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

Non university-level post-secondary education generally consists of a 3-year course of study after completion of secondary education and leads to the qualification of Specialist in different fields. Studies culminate in a state final examination.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Bakalavr (Bachelor):

This stage of study at higher education institutions (HEI) lasts for at least four years and leads to the Bachelor's Degree (Bakalavr) in many fields. This is a degree created by the Higher Education Act of 1995. However, there are some fields where the Bachelor does not exist and where studies lead directly to the second stage of studies (Master's Degree level).

University level second stage: Magistr (Master):

This stage of study at HEI lasts for five/six years after completion of secondary education or one year after obtaining the Bachelor's Degree. Students must (usually) complete a thesis and pass a state examination. The former Diplom za Visse Obrazovanie, awarded before the 1995 law, is officially regarded as equivalent to the Master's.

University level third stage: Doktor (Doctor):

This stage is the third degree in the higher education system and leads to the title of Doctor. It is obtained on the basis of individual research and after the defence of a thesis. It replaces the former Kandidat na Naukite (Candidate of the Sciences). The Higher Education Act of 1995 grants all Kandidat na Naukite holders the rights of a holder of a Doctor's degree.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers are trained at Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Valiko Târnovo, the University of Shumen, St Paďssďi Hilendarski University of Plovdiv and at some Academies of Arts. Courses, which last for four and five years, lead to the professional qualification of teacher.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers obtain their professional qualification of teacher after four or five years of post-secondary studies (at a university or at some Academies of Arts), during which they receive special training in teaching.

Training of higher education teachers

Higher education teachers are trained at universities.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministerstvo na obrazovanieto I naukata (Ministry of Education and Science)

Head: Igor Damyanov, Minister

Administrative officer: Dimitar Tanev, Secretary-General

2A, Dondukov Bld.
1000 Sofia

Tel: +359 2921 7799

Fax: +359 2988 2485

EMail: press_mon@minedu.government.bg

WWW: http://www.minedu.government.bg

Role of governing body: Administrative and educational responsibilities

Bulgarian Rectors' Conference

Head: Yordania Kuzmanova, President

Agrarian University
12, Mendeleev Bld.
4000 Plovdiv

Tel: +359(32) 633 232

Fax: +359(32) 633 242

EMail: rector@au-plovdiv.bg

WWW: http://www.au-plovdiv.bg

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA)

Head: Ivan Panayotov Ivanov, President

Administrative officer: Patricia Georgieva, Secretary-General

International relations: Mina Slavcheva, Senior staff officer

Council of Ministers
125 Tzarigradsko chaussee Blvd. BI.V
1113 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 971 2102

Fax: +359(2) 971 2068

EMail: info@neaa.government.bg

WWW: http://www.neaa.government.bg

Role of governing body: NEAA is the specialized national body for quality assurance, evaluation and accreditation of the activities of Higher Education Institutions: teaching, research, artistic, etc. that correspond to their specific features. There are two types of accreditation: institutional accreditation and programme accreditation (for all educational degrees). NEAA developed and adopted evaluation and accreditation criteria in accordance with the Higher Education Act and adopted state requirements. NEAA also evaluates projects for the establishing or transforming of higher schools or colleges and their main units, as well as the opening of new specialities.


Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Yes

Other admission requirements: For less demanded specialities, candidates may enrol on the basis of document submission, graded according to academic record.

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: Students who are not Bulgarian citizens.

Quotas: The quotas are established each year according to the specific conditions of the Bulgarian higher education institutions.

Admission requirements: Each foreign student must hold a Secondary School Leaving Certificate equivalent to the Bulgarian Secondary School Leaving Certificate and must be officially admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Entry regulations: Candidates should have a valid passport or a visa and be recommended by qualified persons and institutions in their home country.

Language requirements: A pre-university year of studies in the Bulgarian language is required.There are examinations after 1 year of studies in the Bulgarian language at the Institute for Foreign Students.

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: All forms of colleges and higher education institutions.

Apply to national body for entry to: Colleges and higher education institutions.

Apply to:

Ministry of Education and Science

2A, Knjaz Dondukov Bld.
1000 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 921 7554

Fax: +359(2) 988 2785

Application closing dates:

For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 1 Sep

For university level studies: 1 Sep

For advanced/doctoral studies: 1 Sep

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency at the Council of Ministers (http://www.neaa.government.bg) evaluates universities and colleges and accredits their programmes.

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Commission fo Recognition of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science/Natzionalen tzentur za academitchno priznavane i mobilnost

Head: Rossitza Velinova, Head, European Integration Division

2a. Kniaz Dondukov Bld.
1000 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 921 7635

Fax: +359(2) 988 0600

EMail: r.velinova@minedu.government.bg

WWW: http://www.minedu.government.bg

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession

Services provided & students dealt with: The Ministry is responsible for the final decisions in the field of academic recognition.

National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency

Head: Ivan Panayotov Ivanov, President

125, Tsarigradsko shosse blvd., bl. 5

Tel: +359 2 971 2102/2 971 2039

Fax: +359 2 971 2068

EMail: info@neaa.government.bg

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region

Year of signature: 1997

References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies

Title: Higher Schools in Bulgaria

Author: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria

Publisher: MEST, Sofia, Bulgaria


Main student services at national level

Institut des Etudiants étrangers de Sofia

27, Costa Loultchev
1111 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 720 837

Fax: +359(2) 723 877

Category of services provided: Special services/Centre for foreign students

Services available to foreign Students: Yes

Stoudentski Obchtéjitya i Stolové

Stoudentski Grad, blok 5
1156 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 681 314

Fax: +359(2) 681 242

Category of services provided: Social and welfare services; Employment services

National student associations and unions

Bulgarian Student Union

1, Hristo Smirnevtski Bld
1421 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 656 863

Fax: +359(2) 656 863

Health/social provisions

Social security for foreign students: Yes

Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

By rail: Yes

By air: Yes

Available to foreign students: Yes


Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:

European Integration and Bilateral Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Science

Head: Lubov Draganova, Head of European Integration and Bilateral Cooperation Department

2A Kniaz Dondukov Blvd
1000 Sofia

Tel: +359(2) 921 7445

Fax: +359(2) 988 0600

EMail: l.draganova@minedu.government.bg

WWW: http://www.minedu.government.bg

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: 2000+ Project

Name of exchange programme: Blue Danube Project in Secondary Education

Name of exchange programme: CEEPUS

Name of exchange programme: LEONARDO

Name of exchange programme: PHARE

Name of exchange programme: SOCRATES II

Name of exchange programme: UNESCO Chair for Civic Education/CEPES

Name of exchange programme: UNESCO-Culture of peace

Name of exchange programme: UNEVOC

Name of exchange programme: VIFAX-ACCT-FRANCOPHONIE


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: 2-6; 6: otlichen (excellent); 5: mnogo dobur (very good); 4: dobur (good); 3: sreden (sufficient); 2: slab (poor).

Highest on scale: 6

Pass/fail level: 3/2

Lowest on scale: 2

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: A numerical grading system is used: 6 - otlichen (excellent); 5 - mnogo dobur (very good); 4 - dobur (good); 3 - sreden (sufficient); 2 - slab (poor).

Highest on scale: 6

Pass/fail level: 3/2

Lowest on scale: 2
6:15 AM

Bosnia & Herzegovina University

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com


Types of higher education institutions:

Univerzitet (University)

Fakultet (Faculty)

Akademija (Academy)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Diploma (Gimnazija, Umjetnička škola i Vjerska škola)

Diploma (Stručna škola)

Diploma (Technička škola)

Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja




Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 15

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Primary school (osnovna škola)

Length of program in years: 9

Age level from: 6 to: 15

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: General Secondary School, Art School and Theology School (Gymnazija, umjetničke i vjerske škole)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Vocational and Technical Schools (srednje stručne i tehničke škole)

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma

School education:

Primary education lasts for nine years.The pupils enrol in primary education when they are between 5 and 6 years old. Secondary education is provided by general, vocational and technical secondary schools. Pupils graduating from general secondary schools, art schools and theology schools obtain the Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi and can enrol in any faculty or academy by passing the qualification examination prescribed by the institution. Vocational secondary schools offer courses lasting for three years and including a period of practical instruction. Technical secondary schools offer courses lasting for four years. Pupils graduating from technical secondary schools obtain the Diploma and can enrol in any Faculty or Academy by passing the qualification examination prescribed by the Institution.

Higher education:

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina has eight universities: the University of Sarajevo, the University of Banja Luka, the University of Tuzla, the University of Džemal Bijedić (East Mostar), the University of Mostar (West Mostar), the University of Bihać, the University of Zenica and the University of East Sarajevo. All higher education activities are subject to national (Republic Srpska) or cantonal (in the Federation of B&H) laws on higher education.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Law on Higher Education and Law on Public Institutions of Zeničko-dobojski kanton Year: 2005

Decree: Law on Higher Education of Hercegbosanska županija Year: 2000

Decree: Law on Higher Education of Kanton Sarajevo + Amendment 22/05 Year: 2000

Decree: Law on Higher Education of Posavka županija Year: 2000

Decree: Law on Higher Education of Tuzlanski kanton + Amendements 15/0; 5/05 Year: 1999

Decree: Law on Higher Education of Zapadno-hercegovačka županija Year: 2004

Decree: Law on University (Republic Srpska) + Amendments 12/93; 14/94; 99/04 Year: 1992

Decree: Law on University of Bihać - Sanski Kanton Year: 1998

Academic year:

Classes from: Oct to: Jun

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 30 Sep

Languages of instruction: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian

Stages of studies:

University level studies:

University level first stage: First degree: Diploma Visokog obrazovanja:

Courses leading to the Diploma Visokog obrazovanja last from three to six years.

University level second stage: Second degree: Magister:

Courses leading to the Magister require two years' further study and the defence of a thesis.

University level third stage: Third degree: Doktorat:

The Doctorate (PhD) is the highest scientific degree. It is the result of independent research. The public defence of a doctoral thesis is required.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary teachers (from first to ninth grade) are trained in Pedagogical Academies (Pedagoška akademija) or the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka - Teacher Department.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary teachers are university graduates or graduates from Pedagogical Academies (Pedagoška akademija).


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Division of Education, Science, Culture and Sports

Administrative officer: Esma Hadžagiæ, Minister Assistant

Trg BiH l
71.000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(33) 713955

Fax: +387(33) 713956

EMail: esmah@mcp.gov.ba

Federal Ministry of Education and Science

Head: Zijad Pašić, Minister

Obala Maka Dizdara 2
71.000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(33) 663691

Fax: +387(33) 664381

EMail: fmonks@bih.net.ba

WWW: http://www.fmon.gov.ba/

Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic Srpska

Head: Antun Kasipoviæ, Minister

Vuka Karadžica 4
78.000 Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(51) 331422

Fax: +387(51) 331423

Government of Brćko District, Department of Education

Administrative officer: Vukašin Paniæ, Head, Department of Education

Buleval mira 1
76.100 Brćko Distrikt
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(49) 214503

Fax: +387(49) 214503

EMail: obrazovanje@elinspanic.net

Unsko-sanski kanton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Šcfik Mršiæ, Minister

Alije Đerzeleza 6
77 101 Bihać
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(37) 227787 (ext. 189)

Fax: +387(37) 223441

EMail: izolda@simko-bih.com

Posavska županija, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Stipo Ivankoviæ, Minister

Jug I bb
76 270 Orašje
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fax: +387(31) 713356

Telex: +387(31) 713356

EMail: minist.prosvjete.yup.posavske@tel.net.ba

Tuzlanski kanton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Zlata Žigiæ, Minister

Slatine 2
75 000 Tuzla
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(35) 281296

Fax: +387(35) 283340

EMail: monks@tk.kim.ba; hdjulaga@tk.kim.ba

Zenićko-dobojski kanton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Sreto Tomaševiæ, Minister

Kućukovići 2
72 000 Zenica
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(32) 243120

EMail: minobzdk@bih.net.ba

Bosansko-podrinjski kanton - Goražde, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Osman Somun, Minister

Kulina bana 3
73 000 Goražde
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(38) 224259

EMail: bpkminis@bih.net.ba

Srednjobosanski kanton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Branko Golub, Minister

Stanićna 43
72 270 Travnik
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(30) 511214

Fax: +387(30) 510452

EMail: minobsbk@bih.net.ba

Hercegovaćko-neretvanska županija, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Jago Musa, Minister

Stjepana radića 3
88 000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(36) 316792

Fax: +387(36) 316792

EMail: info@mpz-hnyk.gov.ba

Zapadno-hercegovaćka kanton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Head: Jozo Mariæ, Minister

Stjepana Radića 3
88 220 Široki Brijeg
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(39) 703230

Fax: +387(39) 703235

EMail: pero.zelenika@tel.net.ba

Kanton Sarajevo, Ministry of Education and Science

Head: Emir Turkušiæ, Minister

Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića 1
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(33) 443634

Fax: +387(33) 211487

EMail: zsretko@ks.gov.ba


Main student services at national level

The Student Resource Centre (SRCe)

University Campus (Former M.Tito Barracks)
Zmaja od Bosne bb
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(33) 206048

Fax: +387(33) 212032

EMail: info@srce.ba

WWW: http://www.srce.ba

World University Service B&H

University Campus (Former M.Tito Barracks)
Zmaja od Bosne bb
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(33) 200070

Fax: +387(33) 650871

EMail: sarajevo@sus.ba

WWW: http://www.sus.ba

National student associations and unions

Student Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation

Zmaja of Bosne 8
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

EMail: sas.fbih@yahoo.com

Student Union of Republic Srpska

Majke Jugovića 1
78 000 Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387(51) 347222

Fax: +387(51) 347222

EMail: predsjednik@studentskaunijars.org

WWW: http://www.studentskaunijars.org


Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: Main grading system used at Universities of Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Džemal Bijedić, Bihać, Zenica and East Sarajevo: 5-10 scale with 6 as minimum pass.

Highest on scale: 10

Pass/fail level: 6

Lowest on scale: 5

Other main grading systems

Main grading system used by University of Mostar: 1-5 scale with 2 as minimum pass.
6:13 AM

Belgium (French Community) University

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com


Types of higher education institutions:

Université (University)

Faculté universitaire

Faculté polytechnique

Haute Ecole

Institut supérieur d'Architecture (Higher Institute of Architecture)

Ecole supérieure des Arts (Higher Art School)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur



Diplôme d' Etudes supérieures spécialisées

Diplôme d'Etudes spécialisées

Grade de Spécialisation


Diplôme d'Etudes approfondies


Agrégation de l'Enseignement secondaire supérieur



Docteur en Médecine

Docteur en Médecine vétérinaire

Ingénieur civil

Ingénieur commercial

Ingénieur de gestion

Ingénieur industriel




Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 18

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Primaire

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 6 to: 12

Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB)


Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Secondaire - Premier Degré

Length of program in years: 2

Age level from: 12 to: 14

Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB) at the end of the 1st or 2nd year if not obtained at the end of the primary cycle


Type of school providing this education: Enseignement Secondaire - 2e Degré

Length of program in years: 2

Age level from: 14 to: 16

Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire du Deuxième Degré


Type of school providing this education: Enseignement secondaire 3ème degré

Length of program in years: 2

Age level from: 16 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'Enseignement secondaire supérieur général, technique ou artistique (CESS); Certificat de Qualification


Type of school providing this education: Enseignement secondaire 3ème degré

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 16 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Certificat d'études de l'enseignement secondaire professionnel; Certificat de Qualification


Type of school providing this education: Préparation au Supérieur

Length of program in years: 1

Age level from: 18 to: 19

School education:

Primary education lasts for six years leading to the Certificat d'Etudes de Base (CEB). At present, secondary education is divided into three levels of two years each. Secondary schools provide general education, technical education, professional education and artistic education.

Higher education:

Higher education is established on a binary scheme: university education and non-university education. University education offers long-cycle education only. The non-university higher education institutions are: Hautes Ecoles; Instituts supérieurs d'architecture; and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. The Hautes Ecoles and Ecoles supérieures des Arts can offer both long and short cycle studies. The Instituts supérieurs d'Architecture offer long cycle studies only. The short cycle of non-university education offers technical training leading to a professional qualification in a specific field. The long cycle of both non-university and university educations provides general, theoritical and scientific studies at the undergraduate level that lead to graduate specialized studies at the end of which students have to present and defend a personal work (short thesis for example).

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Décret du 17 mai 1999 relatif à l'enseignement supérieur artistique Year: 1999

Concerns: Arts studies

Decree: Décret du 31 mars 2004 définissant l'enseignement supérieur, favorisant son intégration à l'espace européen et refinançant les universités Year: 2004

Concerns: Higher education

Decree: Décret du 5 août 1995 fixant l'organisation générale de l'enseignement supérieur en Hautes Ecoles Year: 1995

Concerns: Hautes écoles

Decree: Décret du 5 septembre 1994 relatif au régime des études universitaires et des grades académiques Year: 1994

Concerns: Universities and degrees

Decree: Loi du 7 juillet 1970 relative à la structure générale de l'enseignement supérieur Year: 1970

Concerns: Higher education system

Academic year:

Classes from: Sep to: Jul

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 30 Aug

Languages of instruction: French

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

Hautes Ecoles: Higher education at Hautes Ecoles comprises eight fields: Agronomy; Arts; Economics; Paramedical fields; Pedagogy; Social studies; Technology; and Translation and Interpretation. It offers both short and long cycle studies. The long cycle is at university level. The short cycle is organized in one professional cycle and confers the title of Bachelier. It includes from 180 to 240 ECTS credits to be obtained in 3 to 4 years' study (midwifery). The courses are both practical and theoritical. At the end of this single cycle, specialized studies are offered in some fields and lead to the Grade de Spécialisation after one year's study. Ecoles supérieures des Arts: Higher education in Ecoles supérieures des Arts comprises four fields: Plastic Arts; Music; Theatre; and Performing Arts and Communication and Broadcasting techniques. It offers short and long cycle studies. The long cycle is at university level. The short cycle is organized in one professional cycle (3 years) and confers the title of Bachelier.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Bachelier:

The first stage of university level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Instituts supérieurs d'architecture, and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. It leads to the title of Bachelier after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits.

University level second stage: Master; médecin; médecin vétérinaire:

The second stage of university-level studies is offered at Universities, Hautes Ecoles, Instituts supérieurs d'architecture, and Ecoles supérieures des Arts. It leads to the title of Master after one or two years' study and 60 or 120 ECTS credits; of Médecin after four years' study and 240 ECTS credits; and of Médecin vétérinaire after three years' study and 180 ECTS credits..

University level third stage: DES, DEA, Doctorat:

The third stage of university-level studies is offered at universities. At present, it comprises: doctoral training in one year and 60 ECTS credits leading to the research training certificate; work related to the preparation of a doctoral thesis and corresponding to 180 ECTS credits that lead to the academic title of Doctor after the defence of the thesis; training leading to the DEA and the DES (both these two last diplomas will be abandoned in conformity with the Bologna reform).

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Pre-primary, primary and lower-secondary education teachers are trained in the pedagogical department of the Hautes Ecoles which offer course programmes leading respectively to the Bachelier-Instituteur(trice) préscolaire, Bachelier-Instituteur(trice) primaire, Bachelier-Agrégé(e) de l'enseignement secondaire inférieur.

Training of secondary school teachers

For lower-secondary teachers, see under the previous section. Upper-secondary education teachers receive training at universities, leading to the degree of Licence in a particular discipline, awarded after four or five years of study. The teaching qualification of Agrégé de l'Enseignement secondaire supérieur requires one year of teacher training, which may take place concurrently with study for a Licence.

Training of higher education teachers

There is no formal training of higher education teachers. They may hold the Licence, the Master or the Doctorate.

Non-traditional studies:

Lifelong higher education

There are a number of open faculties within the universities, centres of lifelong education or other structures that offer working adults different study programmes that only rarely lead to a basic diploma. They usually lead to complementary diplomas, third cycle diplomas or non-recognized certificates and diplomas.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique, Ministère de la Communauté française

Head: Chantal Kaufmann, Director-general (acting)

Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 6908703

Fax: +32(2) 6908760

WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup

Role of governing body: Governing and decision-making role for higher education

Conseil des Recteurs

Head: Bernard Coulie, President

Rue d'Egmont, 5
1000 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 5049300

Fax: +32(2) 5140006

EMail: kokkelkoren@cref.be

WWW: http://www.cref.be

Conseil interuniversitaire de la Communauté française

Head: Pierre de Maret, President

Administrative officer: Marc Vandeur, Permanent Secretary

Rue d'Egmont, 5
1000 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 5049291

Fax: +32(2) 5022768

EMail: secretariat@ciuf.be

WWW: http://www.ciuf.be

Conseil général des Hautes Ecoles

Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 6908845

Fax: +32(2) 6908846

Role of governing body: consultation on issues relating to the Hautes Ecoles


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur

For entry to: Hautes Ecoles and Instituts supérieurs d'architecture

Entrance exams required:

Compulsory for entry to Ecoles supérieures des Arts

Other admission requirements:

Holders of a CESS obtained before 1994 must also hold the Diplôme d'Aptitude à Accéder à l'Enseignement supérieur (DAES) if they wish to pursue studies in non-university level institutions (long cycle).

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Certificat d' Enseignement secondaire supérieur

For entry to: All institutions.

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Restriction for access to certain second cycle studies in the health sector. Special entrance examination for access to civil engineering studies.

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: A foreign student is a person enrolled at a higher education institution in Belgium (French-speaking Community) who is not a permanent resident.

Quotas: Certain students from countries that are not members of the European Union cannot be financed and may see their admission refused by the institutions.

Admission requirements: Students must obtain the equivalence of their secondary school leaving certificate with either the Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or, as the case may be, the Diplôme belge d'aptitude permettant d'accéder à l'enseignement supérieur (DAES).

Entry regulations: Students must register with the communal administration of their town of residence, present proof of their enrolment, as well as financial guarantees.

Language requirements: There are language examinations at the institutional level. Courses are organized by the universities during the summer.

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: All higher education institutions.

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

NARIC, Ministère de la Communauté française

Head: Chantal Kaufmann

Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 6908703

Fax: +32(2) 6908760

EMail: equi.sup@cfwb.be

WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the European Region

Year of signature: 2005

References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies

Title: Les Universités francophones de Belgique

Author: Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté Française de Belgique

Publisher: CIUF

Year of publication: 2003


National student associations and unions

Fédération des Etudiant(e)s Francophones

Chaussée D'Haecht 25
B-1210 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 2230154

Fax: +32(2) 2172793

EMail: Fef@swing.be

WWW: http://www.fef.be

Union des étudiants de la Communauté française

Chaussée de Charleroi, 51b bte3
1060 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 5418500

Fax: +32(2) 5418509

EMail: info@unecof.be

WWW: http://www.unecof.be

Health/social provisions

Social security for home students: Yes

Social security for foreign students: Yes

Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

By rail: Yes

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 32 (Euro)

Maximum: 759 (Euro)

Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 32 (Euro)

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Politique d'accueil des étudiants étrangers au sein des institutions universitaires de la C.F.

Publisher: Conseil interuniversitaire de la Communauté française (CIUF)

Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006

Author: UNESCO

Year of publication: 2005


Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:

Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique, Ministère de la Communauté française

Rue Lavallée, 1
1080 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(2) 6908703

Fax: +32(2) 6908760

WWW: http://www.cfwb.be/infosup

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: LEONARDO

Name of exchange programme: LINGUA

Name of exchange programme: PETRA

Name of exchange programme: SOCRATES/ERASMUS MUNDUS

Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: Marking systems vary from one region to another but most often are on a scale of 1 to 10 (maximum).

Highest on scale: 10

Pass/fail level: 5/4

Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: A numerical grading system is used for higher education: 90% avec la plus grande distinction; 80% avec grande distinction; 70% avec distinction; 60% avec satisfaction.

Highest on scale: 90%

Pass/fail level: 60%/50%
6:11 AM

Belgium (Flemish Community) University

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com


Types of higher education institutions:

Universiteit (University)

Hogeschool (University College)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs



Maatschappelijk Assistent



Geaggregeerde voor het Secundair Onderwijs - Groep 1







Burgerlijk Ingenieur

Burgerlijk Ingenieur-Architect


Gediplomeerde in de Voortgezette Studies


Industrieel Ingenieur





Geaggregeerde voor het Secundair Onderwijs - Groep 2

Gediplomeerde in de Aanvullende Studies

Gediplomeerde in de Gespecialiseerde Studies


Subsequent Bachelor


Subsequent Master


Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 18

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Pre-School Education Schools (most of them are incorporated in Primary Schools)

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 2 to: 6


Type of school providing this education: Primary School

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 6 to: 12

Certificate/diploma awarded: Getuigschrift van Lager Onderwijs (Primary Education Certificate)

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: General Secondary Education (ASO)

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 12 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (Secondary Education Diploma)

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Artistic Secondary Education (KSO)

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 12 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (Secondary Education Diploma)


Type of school providing this education: Technical Secondary Education (TSO)

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 12 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (Secondary Education Diploma)


Type of school providing this education: Vocational Secondary Education (BSO)

Length of program in years: 7

Age level from: 12 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (Secondary Education Diploma)


Type of school providing this education: Part-Time Education Centres (CDO)

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 15 to: 18


Type of school providing this education: Retailer's Training Centres

Age level from: 16

School education:

Primary education lasts for six years and leads to the Getuigschrift van Lager Onderwijs (Primary Education Certificate). Secondary education is provided for young people aged 12 to 18 in four branches: ASO (general), TSO (technical), KSO (artistic) and BSO (vocational), each divided into three 2-year periods. Pupils study as many subjects as possible during basic education. From the third and fourth year of secondary education, pupils can opt for a certain branch of study within ASO, TSO, KSO, or BSO. They may also follow a 7th year after the 6th TSO, KSO or BSO year, or study for a 5th year after the 4th BSO year. In the fifth and sixth years of secondary education pupils are offered either occupational training or higher education training. From age 15/16, pupils may also attend from 1 day/week to 15 weeks/year part-time secondary education, while having signed a part-time labour or apprenticeship contract. General, vocational and technical secondary education lead to the Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs.

Higher education:

Universities and university colleges (in Flemish: "Hogescholen") offer higher education programmes; transfer from one type to another is possible thanks to bridging courses. Entrance examinations exist only for Civil Engineering, Architecture, Dental Sciences, Medical Sciences, Nautical Sciences and Fine Arts. For the Flemish Community, the most recent amendments linked to the Bologna Process are specified in the Higher Education Act of April 4, 2003. The degree structure from 2004/2005 is based on three main cycles (Bachelor-Master-PhD). The transitional period should end in 2006 and in 2010 for some programmes. A credit system based on ECTS has been applied since 1991 in universities and since 1994 in university colleges. The new Act endorses the compatibility of the existing credit system and the ECTS. Universities and University colleges have been delivering diploma supplements since 1991 and 1994 respectively. They are now adapted to the international one and all students can obtain a free English version of their diploma supplement on request. The Flemish community is a member of ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) through the VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council) ) and the VLHORA (Flemish Council of University Colleges). The concept of accreditation has been integrated into the Higher Education Act. Private non-state higher education institutions can become registered institutions subject to the accreditation procedure.Before the academic year 2004/2005, university colleges used to offer both short-term (one cycle) three-year programmes and long-term (two cycles) four-to-five year programmes. As from 2004/2005, profession-oriented Bachelor's degrees are offered only in university colleges and two-tier Bachelor's and Master’s degrees are offered in Universities and University colleges in an association framework. Thanks to associations allowed by the new Act, holders of a profession-oriented Bachelor's degree have access to Master programmes.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Higher Education Act Year: 2003

Concerns: Higher Education in Flanders

Decree: Higher Education Act Year: 2004

Concerns: Flexible organisation of Education

Academic year:

Classes from: Sep to: Sep

Languages of instruction: Dutch, English

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level: Profession-oriented bachelor level:

Studies at university colleges are divided into one-cycle and two-cycle programmes. One-cycle studies last for three years and prepare students for professions in Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, Health and Rehabilitation, Social Work, Teaching, Informatics, Applied Arts or the Media. Two-cycle studies are divided into two periods of a minimum of two years each and cover more or less the same sectors as one-cycle higher education. These studies are more academic. After the first cycle, the qualification of Kandidaat is awarded. One-cycle programmes lead to such titles as Gegradueerde, Maatschappelijk Assistant (Social Worker) or Vroedvrouw (Midwife). Two-cycle programmes lead to the Licentiaat or the titles of Industrieel Ingenieur, Architect or Meester. Postgraduate studies in university colleges leading to the Gediplomeerde in de Voortgezette Studies are open to holders of a degree of higher education. From 2004/2005, only university colleges offer profession-oriented bachelor programmes.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Kandidaat and Bachelor's degree:

Before 2004/2005: Kandidaat cycle. A Kandidaat degree was obtained after two- to three-year basic university training. In the fields of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law the degree conferred was the Baccalaureus.From 2004/2005, the academic bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) prepares students for advanced studies at master's level.

University level second stage: Licentiaat - Master's degree:

The second cycle at universities requires another two to three years, although studies may take even longer in some branches. The degree awarded - Licentiaat or professional qualification of Ingenieur, Apotheker, etc. - entitles one to either enter the labour market or to carry out research.From 2004/2005, the master programme in at least one year (60 ECTS) was introduced.

University level third stage: Doctoral studies:

The Doctor's Degree (Doctor) can only be obtained by publicly defending a doctoral thesis at least two years after obtaining a final university degree (e.g. Licentiaat) or, in some cases, a specific final Hogescholen degree of academic level (e.g. Handelsingenieur). The Doctor's Degree is required to be appointed a member of the academic staff.From 2004/2005 Doctor is the highest level of specialisation in a specific field of study. The diploma is only awarded by universities.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

A one-cycle teacher training course of three years' duration (180 ECTS) leads to the degree of Onderwijzer (Bachelor from 2004/2005 onwards) which entitles the holder to be a primary school teacher. At pre-school level, a one-cycle teacher training course of three years' duration (180 ECTS) leads to the degree of Kleuteronderwijzer (Bachelor from 2004/2005 onwards) which entitles the holder to be a pre-school teacher.

Training of secondary school teachers

Lower secondary education teachers follow a three-year (180 ECTS) one-cycle teacher training course leading to the degree of Geaggregeerde voor het Secundair Oderwijs - Groep 1 (Bachelor from 2004/2005 onwards). Upper secondary school teachers follow a two-cycle programme (master from 2004/2005 onwards) at a university or a university college where they obtain a Qualified Teachers Degree (Geaggregeerde voor het Secundair Onderwijs - Goep 2).

Training of higher education teachers

A Doctor's Degree is required to be appointed member of the academic staff.

Non-traditional studies:

Lifelong higher education

Access to part-time education for every kind of course is available. Next to regular studies, one can obtain qualifications of continuous education such as the Getuigschrift Posthogeschoolvorming (Certificate of Post-Hogeschool Studies) at university colleges and the Getuigschrift Postacademisch Onderwijs (Certificate of Post-university Studies) at universities.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Departement Onderwijs, Ministerie Vlaamse Gemeenschap (Education Department, Ministry of the Flemish Community)

Hendrik Consciencegebouw
Koning Albert II-laan 15
1210 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 5535070

WWW: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/

NARIC-Vlaanderen, Administration of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ministry of the Flemish Community

Head: Daniël De Schrijver, Coordinator

Hendrik Consciencegebouw, Toren A 7, Koning Albert II-Iaan 15
1210 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 5539819/ 5539818

Fax: +32(2) 5539845

EMail: daniel.deschrijver@ond.vlaanderen.be; lut.vleeracker@ond.vlaanderen.be

WWW: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be

Role of governing body: Administrative, supervisory and advisory role.

Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad - VLIR (Flemish Interuniversity Council)

Administrative officer: Anne-Marie De Jonghe, Algemeen Directeur

Egmontstraat 5
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 5501594

Fax: +32(2) 5122996

EMail: secretariaat@vlir.be

WWW: http://www.vlir.be

Vlaamse Hogescholenraad - VLHORA (Flemish Council of Hogescholen)

Administrative officer: Luc Van de Velde, Secretary-General

Wolvengracht 38
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 2114190

Fax: +32(2) 2114199

EMail: luc.vandevelde@vlhora.be

WWW: http://www.vlhora.be

Vlaamse Onderwijsraad - Vlor (Flemish Educational Council)

Head: Mia Douterlungne, Administrator General

Leuvenseplein 4
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 2194299

Fax: +32(2) 2198118

EMail: info@vlor.be

WWW: http://www.vlor.be

Role of governing body: Gives advice on all projects of decree of the Flemish Minister of Education and on educational themes.


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs

For entry to: All non-university higher education institutions

Entrance exams required:

Entrance examinations must be sat for Nautical Sciences and Fine Arts

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs

For entry to: All universities

Entrance exams required: Entrance examinations must be sat for in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering-Architect, Dental Sciences and Medical Sciences.

Other admission requirements: Entrance examinations must be sat for Dental and Medical Sciences.

Foreign students admission

Admission requirements: Foreign students who can justify having obtained a secondary school leaving certificate giving access to higher education in their country may start higher education in Flanders. Foreign students also have to pass the entrance examinations for Nautical sciences, Fine Arts, Dental and Medical sciences. Foreign students holding a higher education diploma may obtain a reduction of the total study load of a programme.

Language requirements: Students must be proficient in Dutch for undergraduate studies. Candidates may be required to sit for a language test. The universities organize language courses during the summer.

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): The concept of accreditation has been incorporated into the Higher Education Act 2003. The accreditation system is organised in close cooperation with the Netherlands by an independent Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Body (Nederlands-Vlaams Accreditatie Orgaan - NVAO) which was set up in September 2003.The accreditation system is based on internal quality control carried out by the higher education institutions and a compulsory external quality control comprising a self-assessment report and a site visit by a panel of peers and international experts.

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

NARIC-Vlaanderen, Department of Education, Higher Education Administration, Ministry of the Flemish Community

Head: Daniël De Schrijver

H. Consciencegebouw, Toren A 7, Koning Albert II-Iaan 15
1210 Brussel

Tel: +32(2) 5539819/ 5539818

Fax: +32(2) 5539845

EMail: daniel.deschrijver@ond.vlaanderen.be; lut.vleeracker@ond.vlaanderen.be

WWW: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be

Services provided & students dealt with: Formal recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and advice on admission to higher education programmes.

Other information sources on recognition of foreign studies: University Colleges and Universities deal with credential recognition for access to higher education.

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Recognition Convention)

Year of signature: 2005

Name of agreement: European Convention on the academic recognition of university qualifications

Year of signature: 1972

Name of agreement: European Convention on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities

Year of signature: 1955

Name of agreement: European Convention on the equivalence of periods of university studies

Year of signature: 1972

Name of agreement: European Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region

Year of signature: 2000

Name of agreement: European Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the European Region

Year of signature: 1986

Name of agreement: Protocol to the European Convention on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities

Year of signature: 1972

References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies

Title: Higher Education in Flanders

Publisher: Ministry of the Flemish Community, Department of Education

Year of publication: 2001


Main student services at national level

VVS - Vlaamse Vereniging van Studenten

Zavelput 20
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32(2) 5020122

Fax: +32(2) 5117806

EMail: vvs@vvs.ac

WWW: http://www.vvs.ac

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 80 (Euro)

Maximum: 524 (Euro)

Foreign students tuition fees: Maximum: 5600 (Euro)

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006

Author: UNESCO

Year of publication: 2005


Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: ASIALINK

Name of exchange programme: ERASMUS MUNDUS

Name of exchange programme: ERASMUS/SOCRATES

Name of exchange programme: LEONARDO

Name of exchange programme: LINGUA

Name of exchange programme: PETRA

Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: a 10-20 grading scale, with 10 as the pass level.

Highest on scale: 20

Pass/fail level: 10

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: met voldoening: satisfactory; met onderscheiding: distinction (70%); met grote onderscheiding: high distinction (80%); met grootste onderscheiding: highest distinction (90%).

Highest on scale: met grootste onderscheiding

Pass/fail level: met voldoening
6:09 AM

Belarus University

Structure of Educational System
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition of Foreign Credentials
Student Life
International Cooperation and Exchanges

For more information :
Phone NU : 007979202502
Email A dress : lord.pal.2008@gmail.com

Types of higher education institutions:




Higher College

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii

Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii

Diploma of Vocational Education


Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii (First university level)

Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii (Second university level)


Kandidat Nauk

Doktor Nauk


Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 15

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Primary School

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 6 to: 10


Type of school providing this education: Basic Secondary School

Length of program in years: 5

Age level from: 10 to: 15

Certificate/diploma awarded: Svidetel'stvo o Bazovom Obrazovanii (Certificate of Basic Education)

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Gymnasium, Lyceum, College

Length of program in years: 2

Age level from: 15 to: 17

Certificate/diploma awarded: Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Specialized Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Specialized Secondary School (Technicum)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 15 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education)


Type of school providing this education: Vocational School

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 15 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma of Vocational Education (duration of studies 1 to 3 years depending on previous education: if after secondary school, only 1 year)

School education:

School education is divided into three levels: primary (4 years), basic (9 years) and secondary (11 years). A child can be admitted to school at 6 or 7 years of age. Primary education is given in primary schools, 1-4 grades in secondary schools and 1-4 grades in gymnasiums. Basic education is compulsory for all children. It is provided in basic schools, 5-9 classes of secondary schools and 5-9 classes of gymnasiums. At the end of basic education, a Certificate of Basic Education is awarded.9th grade graduates have three possibilities: 1) Third stage of school education (10-11th grades); 2) Vocational/technical establishments; 3) Technicums. In secondary education, pupils continue to study in secondary schools 10-11th grades, grammar schools or lyceums. School-leavers are given a Certificate of Secondary Education.General secondary education is provided by general secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, as well as in first courses of specialised and technical schools. Gymnasiums provide general secondary education at a higher level. Lyceums provide vocationally-oriented education that completes general secondary education. As a rule, lyceums use the teachers and educational facilities of universities and research institutes. Colleges provide general secondary education that is strongly oriented towards vocational training and award qualifications of "special secondary education". Vocational and technical education are provided by schools where students acquire professional and vocational skills together with general secondary education. Vocational and technical education complement the basic (9 years) education and general secondary education (11 years). In the former case, training lasts for three years and leads to a particular trade. In the latter case, training lasts for one year and leads to students acquiring a trade. At present, there are 249 vocational-technical schools. Specialized secondary education lasts for two to four years depending on whether students have followed basic or general secondary education. Specialized secondary education establishments include technicums, technical schools and colleges. Colleges are a new type of institution in Belarus. They provide advanced specialist training. At present, there are 149 state specialized secondary education institutions, 55 technicums, 41 colleges, 53 intermediate occupational education institutions, 5 higher colleges and 7 non state specialized secondary education institutions. A General Secondary School Reform is being implemented. The new model of general secondary education will include three levels: 1-4 years of study (preparatory 1-3 classes) - primary general education; 5-10th years (4-9 classes) - basic general secondary education; 11-12th years of study (10-11 classes) - complete general secondary education. The new curriculum includes 17 teaching courses instead of 24-27. The maximum study load is from 30 to 40 class hours per week in basic and senior school stages. It is planned to make the third stage of secondary education a lyceum one with two-year periods of study corresponding to classes 10 and 11. It is planned to introduce 5 types of lyceums and gymnasiums: general, humanistic, scientific, artistic and polytechnic. The certificate of lyceum education gives right of admission to any higher education institution. In 2001/02 there were 86 gymnasiums, 25 lyceums and 5 colleges.

Higher education:

The Belarussian system of higher education includes educational, research and governing institutions that use unified official standards and rules in the processes of teaching, management, assessment and research. Higher education is provided by public (State) and private (non-State) accredited higher education institutions (HEIs). Education in public HEIs is free of charge for students who passed the entrance competition. In private HEIs, all students pay tuition fees. Higher education is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, which is responsible for the accreditation and licensing of HEIs and developing and applying the State Educational Standards. Since 1994, the higher education system included: a diploma of higher education after 5 years of study (specialist diploma); a bachelor degree certificate after 5 years of study and a master after one additional year following the first degree. Now, the implementation of the two-level system of higher education is underway and comprises a Baklavar in 4 years and a Master or Specialist Diploma in one to two years depending on the field of study. In 2005, Belarus has 44 state higher education institutions (25 universities, 9 academies, 4 institutes, 5 colleges and 1 technical school) with 272,900 students; and 13 private higher education institutions with 163,500 full-time, 1,800 part-time and 107,600 distance students.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Concept of the Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Belarus Year: 1998

Concerns: All higher education institutions

Decree: Law about the Studies of Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Belarus Year: 1993

Concerns: All higher education institutions

Decree: Law on Education in the Republic of Belarus Year: 1991

Concerns: All higher education institutions.

Decree: Law on Education in the Republic of Belarus Year: 2001

Concerns: All higher education institutions

Decree: Regulation on Certification and Accreditation of Educational Institutions. Year: 1994

Concerns: All education instutions

Decree: Regulation on the Multi-level System of Belarus' Higher Education System Year: 1994

Concerns: All higher education institutions

Academic year:

Classes from: Sep to: Jul

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 31 Aug

Languages of instruction: Byelorussian, Russian

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

In Belarus, there are two levels of professional post-secondary education. The lower level is offered in Tekhnikums/uchilishche and colleges after basic general education and lasts from 2 to 3 years of study. The upper level is offered after secondary general education in Tekhnikums/uchilishche and colleges after basic general education and lasts from 2 to 3 years of study. Students from this level can then enter University in the same field of study and obtain up to two years of transfer credits.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Bakalavr:

From 2002, the first level of higher education is leading to the Bakalavr (Bachelor's degree). It provides with professional proficiency and entitles to work and take the positions for which a certain level of education is mandatory. The Bakalavr is awarded in all fields except in Medicine after defending a Diploma project and sitting for a final state exam. In Medicine, this first stage lasts for 6 years.

University level second stage: Specialist Diploma / Magistr:

The second level of higher education leads to the Specialist Diploma or the Magistr (Master's Degree) after one -or two years of study following upon the Bakalavr's degree. Access to these programme is competitive. The Magistr is awarded after one year of study and the presentation and defence of a thesis. The Specialist Diploma (Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii) is awarded upon completion of at least one year's study after the Bakalavr or in five to six years' study beyond the Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii in some fields. The Specialist Diploma is a professional qualification that gives right to the exercice of professional activities and to apply for doctoral programmes.

University level third stage: Aspirantura and Doktorantura:

This stage corresponds to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. There is a two-level system of scientific degrees. The first is that of Candidate of Sciences. It requires at least 3 years of study in postgraduate courses, special examinations and the public defence of a thesis. Following this, the student is awarded the degree of Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Sciences).The second level is that of Doctor of Sciences. Holders of the Kandidat Nauk can prepare a Doctorate. After following the required research programme, candidates are awarded the highest scientific degree of Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Sciences). The thesis is also defended in public.The Dissertation Councils are supervised by the State Supreme Certifying Committee (Vysshij Attestatsionnyj Komitet, VAK) of the Republic of Belarus.It is possible to do doctorate research and sit for a scientific degree while not following postgraduate courses. Higher education and research establishments support such persons and provide them with a supervisor.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers are trained at specialized secondary institutions (teacher-training schools and teacher-training colleges) where courses last for 3-4 years, and at the faculties of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of pedagogical universities or institutes, where studies last for 4 to 5 years.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers are trained at specialized secondary education institutions and pedagogical universities and institutes. General secondary education or specialized secondary education is the condition of access to universities or institutes. The qualification awarded is teacher of ... (for example, teacher of Mathematics and Physics or teacher of Chemistry). Teachers for vocational secondary schools are trained in pedagogical higher education institutions, universities and in some technical higher education institutions where engineers-teachers are trained.

Training of higher education teachers

Higher education lecturers are trained in their specialities in institutes or universities and, after graduation, start their activity as assistant lecturers in order to gain practical experience in their areas of expertise. Every five years, they must enrol in up-grading courses to improve their teaching skills as well as their knowledge in the field. Furthermore, there is a system of training of scientific and pedagogical staff at post-graduate level.

Non-traditional studies:

Distance higher education

Distance training is provided by virtual universities (through Internet) such as Hagen Correspondence University which provides studies leading to a Master of Humanities and started operating in Belarus in 1996. Students must hold a secondary school leaving certificate. There is no age restriction and no entrance examination. There are also franchising institutions which are branches of foreign higher education institutions functioning in Belarus.

Lifelong higher education

Lifelong education consists in external studies.

Higher education training in industry

Some upgrading courses for industrial workers and professionals of different branches of the national economy exist.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministry of Education

Head: Aleksandr Radzkov, Minister

Administrative officer: Yurij Miksyk, Director - Higher Education

Ul. Sovetskaja 9
220010 Minsk

Tel: +375 (17) 2274736

Fax: +375 (17) 2208483

EMail: root@minedu.unibel.by

WWW: http://www.minedu.unibel.by

Role of governing body: Provides state education policy, controls quality of education, finances educational establishments in the limits of budget allocations, licensing of new institutions, granting accreditation.

Rectors' Council of Higher Educational Institutes of Belarus

Head: Vladimir Shimov, President

Belarus State Economic University, 28 Partyzanskij Prospekt
220070 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2494030

Fax: +375(17) 2495106

EMail: rector@bseu.by

WWW: http://www.bseu.by

National Institute for Higher Education

Head: Michael Demchuk, Rector

Administrative officer: Ludmila Rudova, Chief of Department for Evaluation and Recognition (Belarusian ENIC)

Ul. Moskovskaja 15
220001 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2281313

Fax: +375(17) 2228315

EMail: rudova@nihe.niks.by;enic@nihe.niks.by

WWW: http://www.nihe.niks.by

Role of governing body: Responsible for educational research and information on higher education, the Institute also provides training courses to new rectors, deans and department heads and acts as Belarussian ENIC.

Academy for Postgraduate Education

Head: Oleg Tavgen

Ul. Nekrasova 20
220040 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2857828

Fax: +375(17) 2857868

EMail: academy@academy.edu.by

WWW: http://www.academy.edu.by


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii

Minimum score/requirement: satisfactory

For entry to: All accredited higher education institutions; all programmes

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma of Vocational Education

Minimum score/requirement: satisfactory

For entry to: All accredited higher education institutions; all programmes

Name of secondary school credential required: Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii

Minimum score/requirement: satisfactory

For entry to: All accreidted higher education institutions; all programmes

Entrance exams required: Examination in three-four subjects for most universities.

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Higher education institutions are given the academic freedom to establish or not privileges for entrants having followed advanced training at lyceums or gymnasiums or for entrants having finished school with excellent marks. Special ability requirements are set for artistic studies, physical education and architectural preservation studies. A certain age limit is set for full-time students.

Other admission requirements: There can be an interview in one subject instead of several exams. The applicant can enter a preparatory department and study for one year before trying to enter the higher education establishment.

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: A foreign citizen who trains at a Belarussian higher education institution and does not have Belarussian citizenship

Admission requirements: Students must hold a secondary school-leaving certificate or an equivalent qualification to that of general secondary school in Belarus. They must submit a valid passport, a notorized copy of their secondary education qualification, a medical certificate and 6 photos. They are then sent an invitation so as to obtain an entry visa. For postgraduate courses, students must hold a Master's Degree. The rules of admission and instruction are specified in the Regulations concerning Training Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Belarus approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 7, 1993. Admission documents must be submitted at least two-and-a-half months before classes begin in Belarussian, Russian, English, French or Spanish. Admission requirements for foreign students are adopted by the higher education institutions if they are not otherwise provided for by inter-state agreements. Foreign students sign a contract with the institution.

Entry regulations: Students must hold a visa and have financial guarantees.

Health requirements: A medical certificate is required.

Language requirements: Foreign students who have no command of the language of instruction can follow a one-year course at a preparatory department of the institution where they study the language of instruction and specialization subjects that are relevant for the chosen course. At the end of the year, they must sit for an examination. Successful students obtain a graduation certificate and are admitted to the basic course of study in the chosen speciality. Those who fail are dismissed from the institution and asked to leave the country.

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: All higher education institutions and all academic and pre-academic programmes

Apply to:

Ministry of Education

9 Sovetskaya Ul.
220010 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 226 5159

Fax: +375(17) 220 8483

EMail: root@minedu.unibel.by

WWW: http://www.minedu.unibel.by

Application closing dates:

For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 15 Jul

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): Higher education institutions that are accredited by the Ministry of Education may issue State Diplomas which are recognized within the country. Non-accredited HEIs have no right to issue diplomas.

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

National'nyj Tsentr Ekspertiz I Priznanija Documentov i Kvalificatsij Obrazovanija (National Centre for Evaluation and Recognition, Belarusian ENIC)

Head: Siarhei Vetokhin, Vice-Rector, Head of Belarussian ENIC

Ul. Moskovskaja 15
220001 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2228315/ 2281313

Fax: +375(17) 2228315

EMail: enic@nihe.niks.by; rudova@nihe.niks.by

WWW: http://www.nihe.niks.by

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University

Services provided & students dealt with: Recognition of foreign studies, diplomas and degrees; evaluation and recognition of partial studies undertaken or experience obtained abroad.Development of normative quality assurance and recognition system. Organization of seminars. Publication of materials and methodological documents on problems of quality assurance and recognition system.

The Supreme Attestation Committee (VAK)

Head: Anatolij Rubinov

Scaryna Avenue 66

Tel: +375(17) 2840855

Services provided & students dealt with: Recognition of doctoral degrees

Special provisions for recognition:

For access to non-university post-secondary studies: Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the institution.

For access to university level studies: Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the institution.

For access to advanced studies and research: Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the institution or research institute.

For the exercise of a profession: Applicants must submit complete official academic documents together with their application form to the appropriate Ministry.

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that certify Education, Scientific Degrees and Academic Ranks

Year of signature: 1998

Name of agreement: Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the Europe Region (Lisbon 1997)

Year of signature: 2002

Name of agreement: Paris Convention. Convention for the recognition of studies, diplomas and degrees concerning higher education in the states belonging to the European region

Year of signature: 1979

Name of agreement: Prague Convention. Convention of Socialist countries for the mutual recognition or equivalence of education documents, scientific degrees and titles

Year of signature: 1972

Bilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign credentials

Name of agreement: Bilateral Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that certify Education, Scientific Degrees and Academic Ranks

Year of signature: 1996

Country/state involved: Russian Federation

Name of agreement: Bilateral Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that Certify Education, Scientific Degrees and Academic Ranks

Year of signature: 1997

Country/state involved: China

Name of agreement: Bilateral Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that certify Education, Scientific Degrees and Academic Ranks

Year of signature: 1997

Country/state involved: Ukraine

Name of agreement: Bilateral Agreement on Equivalence of Documents that Certify Higher Education, Scientific and Arts Degrees

Year of signature: 2005

Country/state involved: Poland

Name of agreement: Draft Bilateral Agreement on Cooperation

Country/state involved: Romania

Name of agreement: Draft Bilateral Agreement on Cooperation

Country/state involved: Slovak Republic

Name of agreement: Draft Bilateral Agreement on Cooperation

Country/state involved: Czech Republic

References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies

Title: Directory of Accredited Higher Education Institutions (in Russian and Belarussian)

Author: Ministry of Education

Publisher: Ministry of Education

Year of publication: 2003

Title: Higher Education in Belarus

Author: S. Vetokhin

Publisher: National Institute of Higher Education, Belarussian ENIC

Year of publication: 2001

Title: Student Handbook (3rd edition)

Author: Council of Europe

Publisher: Bock Verlag in Germany

Year of publication: 1997


Main student services at national level

Division of International Education and Cooperation, Ministry of Education

Ul Sverdlova 7

Tel: +375(17) 2264975/ 2207693

Fax: +375(17) 2271736

Category of services provided: Academic and career counselling services

Services available to foreign Students: Yes

National student associations and unions

Belarussian Association of "UNESCO" Clubs

Ul. Kabushkina 18
220118 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2642555

Belarussian Association of Student Architects

K Marx 14
220050 Minsk

Fax: +375(17) 2649923

Belarussian Coordination Centre of Students Research Transactions

Ul. Bobruiskaya 9-418
220050 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2265710

Union of Belarussian Students

P.O. Box 493

Tel: +375(17) 2373738

Fax: +375(17) 2101637

EMail: Bsa@bsa.org.by

Health/social provisions

Social security for home students: Yes

Foreign student social security provisions: Health care for home students is free and provided by students' polyclinics. Foreign students may take out a health insurance policy with a Belarussian insurance company.

Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

By rail: Yes

By air: Yes

Available to foreign students: Yes

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Belarussian Ruble)

Maximum: 3000 (US Dollar)

Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 1000 (US Dollar)

Maximum: 3000 (US Dollar)

Type of financial aid available:


First Degree studies:

Home: Yes

Foreign: No

Advanced/doctoral studies:

Home: Yes

Foreign: No

Bodies providing information on student financial aid:

Division of International Education and Cooperation, Ministry of Education

Ul. Sredlova 7

Tel: +375(17) 2264975/ 2007693

Fax: +375(17) 227 1736

Deals with: Grants

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Scholarship for Study and Research in Belarus

Author: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Publisher: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus


Principal national bodies responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education:

Department for Foreign Relations, Ministry of Education

Head: Gennadij Piatigor, ,

Ul. Sovetskaja, 9
22010 Minsk

Tel: +375(17) 2264975/ 2007693

Fax: +375(17) 2271736

EMail: piatigor@bseu.by

Participation of country in multilateral or bilateral higher education programmes

Name of exchange programme: ACCELS

Name of exchange programme: Agreement on cooperation with Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Yugoslavia

Name of exchange programme: Bilateral agreement on cooperation with China, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany

Name of exchange programme: COPERNICUS

Name of exchange programme: DAAD

Name of exchange programme: INTAS

Name of exchange programme: IREX

Name of exchange programme: TEMPUS/TACIS

Name of exchange programme: UNDP


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: 2-5: 5 excellent; 4 good; 3 satisfactory; 2 unsatisfactory (mark 1 does not exist, some schools have introduced mark 6).Since 2000 some secondary schools use the following system: 5: Excellent (10-9); 4: Good (8-7-6); 3: Satisfactory (5-4-3); 2: Unsatisfactory (2); 1: Totally Unsatisfactory (1).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 3/2

Lowest on scale: 2

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: 2-5; 5: excellent; 4: good; 3: satisfactory; 2: unsatisfactory. Since 2001, some HEIs have been experimenting the following marking system: 5 excellent 10.9; 4 good 8.7.6; 3 satisfactory 5.4.3

Highest on scale: 5 (excellent) or 10 (new system)

Pass/fail level: 3 (satisfactory)

Lowest on scale: 2 (unsatisfactory)

Other main grading systems

There is also a credit (zachet) system which is the result of a test (not an examination) for credit and indicates that all requirements have been met. Since 2000 some secondary schools (as an experiment) use the following marking system: 5 excellent 10.9: 4 good 8.7.6; 3 satisfactory 5.4.3.Awarded/Not awarded: for Kandidat Nauk and Doctor Nauk dissertations